you have 20/20 EYESIGHT FR or you spent forever searching for this

anyway. bad news for you (great for me) by pressing that button i now have full legal permission to molest you whenever i want.

this page is about the all great mighty friends i have!!! two!

efron!!!!! you are great. you are awesome. you scare me sometimes (lowes being a great example of that). i am sorry for being emo at times and ruining the mood when we get in calls or just talk in general. i always feel guilty after 💔 don’t ever take it seriously. i try to cheer myself up anyway enough of that.

you are. uhh toad from mario. i feel like you would pick him in any mario game. also ur bald lol

i love you so much, you’ve been my best friend for abouttt almost 3 years now. anyway i’m gonna molest you now! :B

def!!!!! you are great. you are awesome! you are not very scary, but you are very hilarious. you make me chuckle a whole lot. same as i said to efron, i’m sorry for getting all emo 🥀🥀 i’m working on not doing that.

you areeee uhmmmm wario from mario. no i’m not calling you fat 😡 (he is very funny)

i love you very much,  you’ve been my friend for abouttt two years now! anyway, i’m gonna molest you now 😈

ok uhhhmmm that’s it lol idk how to page the page smaller there’s nothing else down here

i’m actually gonna touch you LEARN TO READ